A photo of Greg Baan-Meiklejohn singing on stage

I’m a musician, songwriter, teacher, and all-around normal guy.

I want you to know that when you hire me, whether it’s to make you the best singer you can be or to play music for you in the best way I know how, I give it my all.

Maybe you need help with a song you’ve always wanted to finish: I can make it a reality. I create and share my music out of love, appreciation, and understanding, and I want it to be the best it can be.

I want you to be the best you can be, too. Continue reading below to learn how I can make your musical dreams a reality.

Singing Lessons in Victoria, BC

Out of a small, unassuming basement in Saanich, magic happens. I can help you realize your vocal dreams. Maybe it’s killing it at a karaoke night with your friends, or serenading crowds from big stages. If you need a guide, a teacher, a mentor into the unknown world of voice, I can be that guide. I can help you get the most out of what you have, and trust me, everyone has something! If you have a love for singing, music, and a voice in your heart, I can help you be the best you can be.


 / Half Hour

Zoom or Facebook Video Lessons

If you are out of town for work, on vacation, or just don’t want to leave the comfort of your living room, I get that. But you can still get better at singing! Online instruction probably isn’t the way you envisioned lessons, but all it takes is that spark—and a computer, of course! Get yourself out of bed and over to that computer screen and tell yourself, “I am a singing badass. I can do this!” Whether you prefer Zoom or Facebook Video calls, I’m more than happy to meet your needs. In time, you won’t even notice the distance.


 / Half Hour
Illustration of Greg Giving Skype Singing Lessons


You have an idea. It’s been eating away at you for weeks, months, maybe even years. It’s your idea, a really cool, really good, uniquely “you” idea. But writing it on pen and paper and singing it to yourself in the shower ain’t quite doing it for you anymore. Maybe you’re already writing beautiful music, but your song isn’t finished yet, or isn’t getting written, and you need someone or something to help you get over the hurdle. That’s where I come in.

I love writing music. It’s probably one of my favourite things to do. Having something come to life, a vision of self, expressed in a world where you find yourself able to voice an opinion through song. I want you to write your song. I want you to have your voice: to be silly, or maybe to change the world. I’m here to help you make it happen.


Starting at
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Listen to Originals
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Songwriting Samples

Live Performance

Check out me singing with my band The Pickups in this video!

Spotlight Illustration by Lucas Bell for Greg Baan Meiklejohn's Musician Website

Bands For Hire

There’s lots to choose from genre-wise—Hip Hop, R&B, Jazz, even Rock and Pop. Hiring any one of these bands means you are hiring someone who cares about the experience you get. We want to help make your event one to remember. If you are looking for a fun, rap-laden Hip Hop adventure, then Grapefruit Is Impossible is your best bet. And last but certainly not least, my solo project, Greg Meiklejohn & The Baan Baans, who play original music straight from the heart of their leader.

Illustration of Greg Fishing by Lucas Bell Graphic Designer in Victoria BC

About Me

I am a fun-loving, laid-back guy in his mid-20s. When you work with me, I want you to not only see my dedication but also that I keep it fun and am a breeze to work with.

I’ve been singing since I was 3, including in local jingle music with my dad, then worked my way through the Vic High R&B program in high school, eventually winding up at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. After returning from Berklee, I started my musical life in earnest: launching my bands, lessons, songwriting, and really began to understand who and how I wanted to be.

Music is my life journey and I love meeting people who want to join me along the way.

Wes Carroll

Musician, Songwriter, Teacher – Victoria, BC

Greg is a fantastic teacher. Lessons with him are fun and productive. Every session with him is a workout! He’s helped me increase my range, develop my tone and musicality. I highly recommend Greg as a vocal teacher.

Shana Dance

Musician, Songwriter, Teacher – Victoria, BC

Greg is a very kind person and an excellent vocal coach.  He listens to any concerns I have about my voice and helps me recognize some simple changes I can make to improve my vocal health and overall sound. I feel very comfortable working with him and would definitely recommend Greg as a coach to anyone.

Nick Lariviere

Musician, Songwriter, Teacher – Victoria, BC

During my lessons with Greg I’ve become much more comfortable with my voice.  He focuses on making singing feel natural without pushing, especially for high notes which I felt like I was really trying to force out before I started with him.  The technique he teaches gives me a solid way to make continuous progress with my voice.

Get In Touch

And here is where it starts for you! Send me an email, give me a call, reach out to me, and start! You’re only a message away from starting on your own musical journey to something great.


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Contact Hours

Monday – Friday
9:00am – 5:00pm
Music Note Icon Original Music Songwriting Victoria BC
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Music Note Icon Original Music Songwriting Victoria BC
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